Are You Ready To Move


(even if you have been a beginner forever)

For a moment, imagine you could:

  • Start conversations and engage in small talk
  • Keep French conversations going
  • Recall your French quickly in conversation
  • Ask and answer questions
  • Automatically recall French tenses
  • Eliminate French Brain Freeze!
Want to turn it into a reality? You can with the Beyond Beginner French Program!

Inside this program:

  • 12 Weeks Of Guided Learning
  • Live Practice Sessions
  • Learn At Your Own Pace
  • Highly Actionable Pronunciation Feedback
  • Lifetime Access To Learning Resources
  • Payment Plan Available
  • 14 Day Money-Back Guarantee - no questions asked!

This 12 week program is about getting you real results!

Be prepared to learn:

  • How to assemble sentences with ease, without taking an eternity.
  • How to speak with more confidence, without ever wondering again if you will be understood.
  • How to retain new French, even if you can’t remember what you had for dinner last night.
  • How to improve your pronunciation, without having to move to France or memorising the phonetic alphabet.
  • How to use the French you already have, without learning the basics again.
  • How to make French a habit in your busy schedule, without having to wake at 4am every day or adding more guilt and ‘shoulds’ to your life.

I Designed This Course For A Very Special Group Of French Learners

Beyond Beginner French students typically join because...

Reason 1

You're excited about being able to get the words out of your head and assemble them with ease so you can start conversing in French.

Reason 2

You're motivated to improve your French and still have time to spend doing other things you love with the people you love most.

Reason 3

You're intrigued by the idea that you can stop trying to squeeze more and more French words and grammar rules in your brain but instead focus on the right things that will get you French Speaking.

If that sounds familiar, Beyond Beginner French could transform how you learn and speak French!

Sandra's French learning experience was transformed

"You have taught me in this last 10 weeks, possibly more than I've learned in the last 15 to 20 years"



Topic Mon Monde

Talking About Myself

In our first week together we are talking about ourselves: our families, work and home.

Learning lessons, videos, worksheets and audios:

  • Introduce yourself
  • Ask questions to get to know someone
  • Talk about your family and home
  • Discuss your likes and dislikes
  • Chat about your and other people’s hobbies

In the Weekly Zoom Practice Room, you’ll get to practice this in simple conversations in Month 1. You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Basic Grammar & Present Tense

Basics of Sentence Making, Negations and Questions

This week, you’ll do a quick grammar assessment to unlock different parts of the Grammar Vault.

For present tense we look at regular, irregular and reflexive verbs, as well as modal verbs and verbs followed by no preposition.

Devy will recommend grammar basic lessons and review based on your individual level.

Learning lessons and resources:

  • Grammar Assessment
  • Grammar Vault Video Lessons
  • All About The Present Tense (Parts 1-4)
  • The Art of Asking Questions

You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Better Habits & Pronunciation

Making A Learning Habit And Understanding Your Learning Style

This week we focus on adding to what you've learnt with learning strategies and mindset tips.

Learning videos, audios and PDF resources:

  • Making French A Regular Habit
  • Habit Building Worksheet
  • The 1% Rule
  • Improve Your French In Under 15 Minutes

This is Pronunciation Training week so you’ll get to perfect your French accent and ear, apply what you learn and get personalised feedback from Devy.

You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Group Practice and Q&A Session

Consolidating Your Learning

It's time to put it all together this week with live practice and a Q&A session with Devy.

Learning tools and resources:

  • Summary of Month 1
  • Checkpoint For Month 1
  • Live Q&A and Practice Session

In our Consolidation week, we will meet live for a Group Practice session to apply everything learned in Month 1. It’s also a live opportunity to get your questions answered.


Topic Voyages

Let's Talk Holidays!

This week we'll get you talking about your preferred types of holiday, booking train tickets and explaining your holiday itinerary. Bon voyage!

Learning videos, audios and workbook resources:

  • Topic About Travel
  • Organise Transport
  • Book Outings and Activities

In the Weekly Zoom Practice Room, you’ll get to practice this in simple conversations in Month 2. You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Grammar Tense

Passé Composé

Passé Composé

This week we delve into Passé Composé which opens the door to express past actions.

WIth a quick review of the verbs Avoir and Etre, you'll learn how to use this verb tense.

Learning lessons, videos and practice exercieses:

  • Introduction To French Perfect Past
  • Passé Composé Video Parts #1 to #3
  • Regular and Irregular Verbs
  • How To Remember Exceptions
  • Practice Activities

You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Memorising What You Learn

Memory And Retention

This week we're focusing on retention strategies and techniques, to hold on to as much of your French as possible!

Learning tools and resources:

  • Learn What To Focus On When Learning
  • Discover How To Retain More French
  • Use A French Frequency Dictionary

This is Pronunciation Training week so you’ll get to perfect your French accent and ear, apply what you learn and get personalised feedback from Devy.

You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Group Practice and Q&A Session

Consolidating Your Learning

It's time to consolidate and put it all together this week with our group live practice and a Q&A session with Devy.

Learning tools and resources:

  • Summary of Month 2
  • Checkpoint For Month 2
  • Live Q&A And Practice Session

In our Consolidation week, we will meet live for a Group Practice session to apply everything learned in Month 2. It’s also a live opportunity to get your questions answered.


Topic Manger

Eating And Drinking Out

This week, we are having conversations at the restaurant! Let's start with your food and drink orders...

Learning videos, audios and workbooks resources:

  • Order WIthout Needing A Translated Menu
  • Ask For Help At The Restaurant
  • Grow Your Food Vocabulary
  • Comment On Your Meal
  • Give Compliments To Your Hosts
  • Listening Practice Exercises

In the Weekly Zoom Practice Room, you’ll get to practice this in simple conversations in Month 3. You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Grammar Tense Futur Proche

Futur Proche + SPECIAL BONUS

This week we expand our French speaking repertoire with the Futur Proche tense, so you can speak everyday life as well as past and future experiences. And for those ready for an extra challenge, there's a special bonus for you!

Learning tools and resources:

  • Introduction To French Near Future
  • Grammar Video Lesson
  • Practice Activities For Futur Proche
  • + Special BONUS Materials!

You'll be given a speaking prompt to practice the different tenses in the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Better Language Learner

Strategies For Successful Learning

In Week 11 we introduce and practice some mental shortcuts you can employ to fast-track your French learning. Learn about being a Good Detective, The Art Of The Pivot and Pattern Spotting to become a better language learner in the long-term.

Learning tools and resources:

  • How To Do The Detective Work
  • Recognising Cognates
  • The Art Of The Pivot WIth Verbs
  • Discover How To Do Pattern Spotting For Better Language Learning

This is Pronunciation Training week so you’ll get to perfect your French accent and ear, apply what you learn and get personalised feedback from Devy.

You’ll be given a speaking prompt weekly for the Speaking Practice Zoom Room.


Group Practice and Q&A Session

Consolidating Your Learning

It's time to consolidate Month 3 and put it all together this week with our group live practice and a Q&A session with Devy.

Learning tools and resources:

  • Summary Of Month 3
  • Checkpoint For Month 3
  • Live Q&A And Practice Session

In our Consolidation week, we will meet live for a Group Practice session to apply everything learned in Month 3. It’s also a live opportunity to get your questions answered.


.... AND Access To These Bonuses


Monthly Pronunciation Training & Feedback

  • In Weeks 1-4 you will learn the essentials for clear communication.
  • In Weeks 5-8 you will add some more advanced pronunciation knowledge.
  • In Weeks 9-12 you will perfect your French accent to better communicate like a native.
  • After each training, you’ll be able to submit a recording of yourself and feedback will be provided.


Access to the Zoom Practice Room

  • Dedicated space to practice speaking French in a supportive environment.
  • Each week, you will get a speaking prompt so you can keep challenging yourself and improve week-by-week.
  • Practicing your speaking skills is a cornerstone of this program so we’ll have 12 practice sessions in total.


Private Members Only Facebook Group

  • You’ll get access for feedback, accountability and support.
  • Together as a group of like-minded learners we can all support and encourage each other.


All Learning Resources are yours to keep forever

  • Video lessons
  • Audio recordings
  • Lesson documents
  • Checklists

Doors Close Soon!

Join Beyond Beginner French today




I've helped thousands of French language lovers just like you...

Hi, I'm Devy, the Founder and Head Teacher of French Speak. I'm passionate about teaching the French language, and over the past 25+ years I've had the privilege of helping thousands of learners across the world.

While French Speak is headquartered in Australia, my students are all over the world: the USA, Canada, UK, New Zealand, Switzerland, and even The Congo!

So many of my students first make contact after lessons with other language schools. They are frustrated by their lack of progress and confidence, despite constantly being moved up levels!

My teaching philosophy is captured in French Speak's name: I want to get you French Speaking! I'm obsessed with finding fun and brain-friendly ways to teach French to adults. So we keep it simple and focused on the language elements that actually make you conversational.

In this course I've combined vocabulary for real-life French conversation, essential grammar and a pronunciation focus to make available to you in Beyond Beginner French.

I'm really proud of the impact the Beyond Beginner French course has on my students' learning, and know it can help you too!

– Devy Baseley

Beyond Beginner French Is Making A Real Difference For French Learners

"I found the courage to speak the language while in France - not just in stores and restaurants - but also to seek out conversation with natives...

I have been able to participate in French Conversation Groups with people who are WAY more fluent than I am."

- Sue

"In French Speak, I found a comfortable, accepting and flexible learning environment that provided lessons conducive to different learning styles. This helped me pick up grammar and conversation very quickly and in a fun manner."

- Harriet

"When I signed up for the group program, I knew I wanted to add to my very basic French but I was astonished that within a few months, I could put it together and have short conversations!

My confidence has definitely grown a lot. Thanks for this great program!"

- Jenny

"Her infectious passion for speaking French is taught in a way that makes you want to learn more. She helps you along the way and is very engaging"

- Missie

So... are you ready to finally leave French Beginner Island?


Risk-Free Guarantee

I want you to be 100% happy. If this course isn't for you, don't worry!

I offer a 14 Days Money-Back Guarantee on ALL French Speak courses.

No questions asked!

Once you sign up, what happens next?

Your personal cheerleader Devy explains the next steps in this 30 second video

By the end of Beyond Beginner French you will...

  • Be able to use the French you know to converse with others
  • Know how to speak French clearly to always be understood
  • Understand what to focus on to improve your French
  • Learn the essential words, phrases and grammar to move you past the basics
  • Have the confidence to engage in conversation and understand responses

Why Do My "Beyond Beginner French" Students Get Learning Breakthroughs?



So... Any Questions? Here's What Your Fellow Learners Have Asked Before Joining

What French level do I need to be at for this program?

Beyond Beginner French is made for you if:

  • you have been learning French for a few months (or even years) and know the basics already, but can’t hold a simple conversation without freezing and forgetting every single French word you know
  • you’ve never attempted to speak French with anyone (except with yourself in the car) and want to change that
  • you managed to order in French once-upon-a-time, but doubt yourself when it comes to engaging in a two-way dialogue
  • you've learnt French via a language school, where the whole class moves up together, but you haven't had an opportunity to consolidate and make new content "stick"... or
  • you're self-taught (Duolingo anyone?) but your mind goes blank as soon as someone responds in French...learnt vocabulary you've learnt in previous lessons

If you’re a new learner (e.g learning to count past 10, greetings, learning when to use ‘avoir’ or ‘être’ verbs in present tense) then I recommend one of French Speak's introductory courses. Email me ( for suggestions.

When does the program start and finish?

The course will start on Monday 23 September 2024 and conclude on Sunday 15 December 2024.

I close the doors to the course soon. This is to ensure I have enough time to get to know each participant a bit more before we start, including what French they already know. That's really important so that I can make recommendations on how each individual can get the best out of the program and truly take their French to the next level!

When the program ends, can I still access the learning resources?

Yes, definitely. Once the 12 week program ends I make all the lessons downloadable for 6 months so you can save to your own computer and keep forever.

Can I do this if I'm no good with technology?

Beyond Beginner French is an online course, but there's definitely nothing complicated about it!

I have tried to make it as simple as possible for learners (and myself!). You only need:

  • Access to your emails - Every Monday I'll email your instructions for the exciting week ahead
  • Access to the Systeme web site - I'll send you a password to the web site that contains your 12 weeks of course work. The password is easy to reset if you forget.
  • A Facebook account - this is optional but I'm sure you'll enjoy the benefits of joining the other learners in our Private Facebook Group, and having an extra place to practice your French.
How much time do I need to dedicate to the program?

When you embark on this 12-week program to transform your French I recommend you be ready to dedicate at least 1-2% of your life to your French.

That’s 15-30 mins per day.

Even if you commit to do this most days—not 100% of the time—you will see tremendous results in your French within the first month!

How do you accommodate learners in different time zones?

I'm Australia-based and my family lives in France, so I have become a pro at working around different time zones!

When you join the program we will have an onboarding phone call. I'll work with you to identify your availability during the week for our live Zoom sessions.

There may not be time slots during the week that suit all participants. If that's the case, we'll ensure there are multiple time slots available so everyone can participate.

What are my payment options?

All payments are made through the online checkout process. You can pay using Paypal or by credit card or debit card (via Stripe).

Do you offer payment plan options?

You can make 1 upfront payment of $947, or 3 monthly instalments of $355. All Beyond Beginner French pricing is in Australian Dollars (AUD).

Can I get a refund if I change my mind about the course?

It's completely fine to change your mind! The important thing to remember is you are protected with a 14 Day Money-Back Guarantee. So if you decide that Beyond Beginner French isn't for you within 14 days of signing up, I will refund you with no questions asked.

I have more questions... how do I get them answered?

If you have a question about Beyond Beginner French, simply email me (Devy) at



We Keep The Learning Tools Super Simple

No special software or apps!

  • All your learning materials in one spot

Our course is delivered via the Systeme online course platform.

When you join the course you will be emailed a password that gives you access to all the learning materials.

  • All your practice sessions accessed from one link

You can access all your practice sessions easily - we email you a link to a Zoom room.

Zoom can be downloaded for free.

  • Your accountability buddies all in one place

Our Private Member's Group is accessible on Facebook, the world's most used social media platform.

And if you get stuck, we're only an email away!

Doors Close Soon!

Join Beyond Beginner French today


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